AMA: Working Through Self-Esteem Issues with Children

Dani Clarke
1 min readOct 6, 2021

“My eight-year-old daughter has a lot of doubt about her abilities. I thought she had self-esteem issues, but she says she loves herself. How can I help her?”

I have good news for you. You daughter can separate herself from her problems. That is half of the battle conquered for you.

Most kids (and even adults) find it difficult to separate themselves from a problem. This causes them to believe they “are” the problem and therefore experience low self-esteem.

She probably believes she is resourceful, but may think she lacks the skill to perform the way she desires. If that is the case, work with her on developing the skills she needs.

Make a list of the things she has doubts about to check if there is room for improvement and work on these things.

If after making a list, you realised that she is actually pretty good at the things she doubts, she may be comparing herself to others or wanting to be the best at everything.

In this case, you can use our Kinder Voice printable to help her respond to the thoughts that are telling her she needs to be the best at everything.

If you are interested in working on your child’s need to be perfect, you may want to consider our IMPERFECTION Value Guide.



Dani Clarke

Superpower Kids promotes an understanding of how values should be expressed and applied in healthy ways to empower kids.